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About Pigster Churn

A little more about myself...

  • An ordinary individual who has a regular full-time job (not as a gamer/streamer)
  • Been playing video games since the PS1 era and is probably one of my very few hobbies
  • Prefers playing rhythm games and casual games

Why rhythm games?

  • Earliest brush with rhythm games was Guitar Hero III (yes I had the plastic guitar)
  • Getting a sense of satisfaction when being able to beat hard songs
  • Due to being busy with real life, rhythm games is perfect for quick, short bursts
  • Can basically play them forever because beating high scores is an eternal journey

But you don't even play on the highest difficulty...

  • Simply because I don't have the skills to do so 😢

Why this website?

  • I started this website on 19th Jun 2020 as a random side coding project
  • Motivation was to keep track of my Project Diva: Mega Mix high scores with recordings
  • From there, I began recording other video games as well