Game Information
Release Date: May 15th 2020
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Playthough Status: Completed (31 July 2020)
I recorded all my playthroughs of Arcade Mode (Hard) and Mix Mode (Normal) while achieving an online rank for all songs (i.e. minimum top 500 scores per song).
For Mix Mode, I also aimed to get Perfect grade for all songs.
Arcade Mode
My overall ranking: 68th (as of 28th June 2020)
Mix Mode
My overall ranking: 4th (as of 22nd Sep 2020)
Previous recorded ranking: 7th (31st July 2020)
Go to Mix ModeRank Information
- Online ranking for Arcade Mode (Hard) and Mix Mode (Normal) only records the top 500 scores
- Date refers to the date of the screenshot taken, and will not be updated
- Due to the possible fluctuating high scores, it is highly likely that the ranks recorded here will be outdated